So much has happened since the last time we wrote and I am so excited to update you on all of the happenings of the past couple of days. We left Itchikawa station bright and early Saturday morning and caught 4 different trains to get to Itayanagi. Each change was quite the experience because of the equipment we had to carry in addition to our luggage! We were greeted by the Ghents at Itayangi station around 4:30pm.
After lunch we drove for about a half an hour to the Ghent's church plant called Harvest Chapel. This church is still in the process of being established and is under ongoing construction. There are a few committed Christian families who attend and, this Sunday, a mother and her two children who have never come out to church before came as well. This was very encouraging for the Ghents as this woman has been affiliated with the church through outreach programs, but has never come out to a Sunday service. This service was also a very exciting one for the Ghents as it was the first service where the actual chapel area was used rather than the side room where it had previously been held. We were so blessed to have the opportunity to lead worship in this new sanctuary. While the adults heard the message in the side room, the nine of us lead Sunday school. We did some interactive songs with the five children there and found that they were incredibly enthusiastic and full of energy. At one point, the six year old little girl was actually having a drum-off with Adam and Colin. After hanging out with the children, we met with the rest of the congregation again and ate dinner together and shared some testimonies. One young man who attends the church with his wife, shared an incredibly encouraging testimony of how he grew up firmly believing in Buddhism and only recently came to faith.
We also lead worship later on Sunday night at a possible future church plant called Grace Chapel. Unlike Itayanagi and Harvest, the Ghents give this service in English. This group meets together in a rented building about an hour from Itayanagi and is considered as mostly a seeker church. About half of those who attend do not claim to be Christians, but are just interested in learning more about Jesus. We were able to enjoy a time of fellowship after the service and went to a local coffee shop to get to know the people in the group.
Laying the groove down with the kids at Harvest Chapel:
looks awesome guys! keep up God's work and LOVE every minute of it!