Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why Japan?

I have no clue.

For a long while I had been praying about going on a mission trip. In fact, a couple opportunities came about but I never really felt led to go on them, until Japan. From the moment the words left the speaker's mouth I knew that God was calling me to go and the more the speaker spoke to more I knew that this trip was for me.

Japan? You can go to Japan on a mission?

For some reason I'd convinced myself that the only places you could go on a missions trip were Cuba, Dominican Republic, and different places in Africa.

One of the things that really drew me to Japan is the necessity of the gospel to the people there. Growing up in a church gave me a good reputation among the older church ladies; I never really got in trouble and I did a decent job of knowing the bible but Christ wasn't Lord of my Life. I looked fine on the surface. Japan does a great job of making it look like everything is great and they've got everything under control. Sadly, the comforts and securities of Japan seem to cloud how important the Gospel is. After all, if life is going great, why try to fix something that's not broken? The truth is: Comfortable or not we all need to know Christ. Whether we think we've got it all together or not we all need to know Christ.

So, Why Japan?

'cause God call me to it.


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