Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Prayer Requests for Week 4

1. We are going to another pre-school in Itayanagi this Thursday. Please pray that the teachers will and students will be impacted and become curious about the Jesus.

2. We are hoping to have a Canada themed barbeque and concert event this Saturday outside of the church's coffee shop. Please pray that the planning and implementation of this event will go smoothly and that new people will have the boldness to stop in.

3. We have another outreach concert on Sunday night in Kanagi. Please pray that people wil be curious and will stop in and that the missionaries in that town will be able to establish relationships with those in attendance.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    My name is Monica Chackal from Montreal, QC.
    my dad knows claire, who knows Rebecca Eastall parents, who send me the blog!
    I am christian and planning to travel to japan.
    If you can give me any tips, places to go, possible people to offer me to stay or even just to show me around, that would be amazing.
    My email on facebook or in general is monicachackal@hotmail.com
    Please contact me if you have any reply to this!
