There have been some pretty exciting things happening here in Itayanagi and we are so blessed to be allowed the opportunity to be a part of what God has been working here. We went to the train station on Friday afternoon and handed out flyers to the high school students for the Saturday night pizza and concert event. We were able to meet up with two high school girls we had met the week before who had come over to talk with Ruth. They said that they love music and often sing in front of the train station. Some of us taught them how to play "Mighty to Save" on the guitar and sang along as they played. These girls did not know what was being sung, but we can only pray that they can understand a little bit of Christ's love from our lives. The train station concerts have been a great branching point for getting the word out on events as there are no restrictions for us playing there and we can reach so many people.

On Friday, we lead the Young Life group. We had a talk time where we all went around and
answered the question of what we would like to have accomplished in ten years. One of the youth said that the one thing he would like to do is be baptized. This was such an incredible moment! In this country it takes so much for a person to become committed to Christ and this young man is choosing early on in his life to follow Him. We taught the youth how to play a new song. Just watching and listening to them play brought tears to our eyes because we realized that these kids are the future leaders of the church in Itayanagi.
Another really exciting thing about Young Life is that there are two non-Christian kids who have come all three weeks we have been here. At first, their mother was very hesitant about them coming but continued to let them come after the first week because she saw how they were welcomed into the group and just loved on so much.
Another really exciting thing about Young Life is that there are two non-Christian kids who have come all three weeks we have been here. At first, their mother was very hesitant about them coming but continued to let them come after the first week because she saw how they were welcomed into the group and just loved on so much.
On Saturday morning, we went to Harvest Chapel and went out tracting to advertise for Sunday's concert. It had started to rain when we first set out, but it cleared up into a beautiful sunny day. The weather brought many people outside to their gardens, so we had the chance to speak with them and personally invite them to the concert. We helped Martin and Ruth finish up a lot of the cleaning at Harvest so that it would be ready for the concert. A praise report for Harvest is that Martin and one of his friends were able to finish the wiring and so, for the first time, there is electricity in the sanctuary.
Skipping ahead to Tuesday...we went to a pre-school in Itayanagi called "Little Lambs." This was the first time any missionaries have had access to the school. Martin was very excited about this opportunity because the school was actually named after a Christian pre-school in Tokyo and it seems that there may be more oppenness to talk about God because of its roots. The teachers really enjoyed us being there and so we are praying that God will open up doors for the Ghents to continue going there and doing programs with the kids.
Skipping ahead to Tuesday...we went to a pre-school in Itayanagi called "Little Lambs." This was the first time any missionaries have had access to the school. Martin was very excited about this opportunity because the school was actually named after a Christian pre-school in Tokyo and it seems that there may be more oppenness to talk about God because of its roots. The teachers really enjoyed us being there and so we are praying that God will open up doors for the Ghents to continue going there and doing programs with the kids.
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